Where has Summer Gone?

Hello there wow Summer is almost over,  it has been hot but wonderful.

This last weekend we were at a special camp for our next leg in our journey.  We have had  a great time face painting and doing glitter tattoos this Summer. We are continuing our quest to be your face painters or glitter tattoo artists, just adding a new dimension we will have it posted soon.

Thank you for following us and becoming part of Our Creative Imaginings Family!!


Bass Pro Hunting Classic

We were here at Bass Pro in Hooksett for their Hunting Classic painting and doing glitter tattoos for the children and young at heart.

We had a good time and stayed dried too.

Next week we are heading over to a special camp so stay tune to see what we are up to next.

The last week in August and first weekend in September we will be in Brunswick, ME at Thomas Point Beach Bluegrass Festival.  We will be listening to great music, enjoying the fresh air and designing up a storm of cute and wild faces or arms or who knows, more belly bumps. So come back and check us out.  Enjoy your August!

Belknap County 4H Fair

What a lot of fun we had at this event, Friday set up and we listened to some good music. Saturday was busy, painting many faces and doing many glitter tattoos, watching some of kids take care of their animals and having fun.

Sunday was on the wet side, but we were still having fun and doing designs. We listened to music, watched kids receive rewards or get prepared for the next event.

Off to bed now, see you at the next event!

Wilton, ME Blueberry Festival

Wilton Blueberry Festival was a wonderful event, we met some great folks and painted some blueberries.  We had some yummy food and picked 14 lbs of blueberries on Sunday.

We were wet and slow on Saturday as it was pouring rain most of the day. This didn’t stop the parade going on and it was a fabulous parade too!! We loved to watch the Shriners in their go carts they were having a lot of fun sloshing through the rain soaked streets. They were driving small motorcycles, small semi, and cars they were great!

Everyone that was in the parade and the ones that watched the parade should be very proud that they stuck  it out, I know we were happy that they did.

The water ski show in the evening still went on, because after raining all day long it stopped raining by 4:30 pm go figure, lol

The team that water skied and the ones that drove the boats were an awesome group!

We will come back next year, hopefully with better weather for Saturday,  we still had a good time!

Next weekend is the Belknap County 4 H Fair in Belmont, NH come and get your design on!! Hugs!!